Mastering ChatGPT: Practical AI for Research, Education, and Career Growth
Quazi Tafsirul Islam
Quazi Tafsirul Islam
Course Level
Duration 2 hrs 16 min
Rating 4
Students 97

Mastering ChatGPT: Practical AI for Research, Education, and Career Growth

This is the ONLY course you need to master ChatGPT.

You'll learn the art of prompt engineering, and discover how AI can enhance various professional, educational, and research contexts. You will not only gain hands-on experience but also develop a deep understanding of the ethical implications and societal impacts of AI.

Our instructor Quazi Tafsirul Islam, Senior Lecturer at North South University, will teach you how Chat GPT can boost your efficiency for content marketing, research, education, and even personal projects. 

Whether you're a student, an educator, or an industry professional, this course will equip you with practical skills to leverage ChatGPT effectively.

The course is engaging, practical, and filled with real-world examples, making it perfect for anyone looking to boost their career or integrate AI into their daily work.

You'll Know:

  • How ChatGPT works

  • How to give the most effective prompts

  • Use of ChatGPT in education and research to boost productivity

  • Real-life case studies of AI in academia, content marketing, and freelancing

  • Ethical considerations and societal impacts of AI

The course is for: 

  • Professionals Interested in AI

  • Researchers in need of AI for data analysis and content generation

  • Educators seeking innovative tools for teaching

  • Students (College and above)

Enrol now and start mastering ChatGPT to transform your career and unlock new opportunities.

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What Will I Learn?
  • Understand ChatGPT's core technologies
  • Master prompt engineering for various uses
  • Apply AI in research and education
  • Explore ethical considerations of AI
  • Enhance productivity with ChatGPT tools
  • Leverage AI for content creation and strategy
  • Analyze real-world AI case studies
  • Automate tasks with ChatGPT
  • Develop AI-powered marketing strategies
  • Gain hands-on experience with ChatGPT
Course content
  • 10 Chapters
  • 27 Lessons
  • 2 hrs 16 min

Overview Of Course

Free Preview 00:03:41

Introduction to AI and ChatGPT

Free Preview 00:13:02

Neural Networks and their role in ChatGPT


ChatGPT Account Setup


Introduction to Prompt Engineering


Tokens - The Building Blocks of Prompts


The Role of Temperature in AI Responses


Advanced Techniques in Prompt Engineering


Comparing of Different types of AI Models


Benefits of Paid GPT Models


Facts of ChatGPT


Prompt Engineering - Hands on Experience


Personalized Tutoring via ChatGPT


Instant Feedback for Enhanced Learning


Homework assistance with ChatGPT


Tips for Maximizing Efficiency with ChatGPT


Higher Education and Study Abroad with ChatGPT


Benefits of AI-Assisted Learning


ChatGPT in Academic Research


Developing Educational Content and Research Tools




Content Marketing & Freelancing


Ethical Use of AI Bias, Privacy, and Accountability


AI for Personal Use


ChatGPT for Professional Development


Professional Development Practical


AI for Decision Making

Pre Requisites
  • Keep video resolution at 1080p
  • Basic Computer Skill
  • A computer
Meet Your Instructor

Quazi Tafsirul Islam

Senior Lecturer and Researcher, School of Business & Economics, North South University Coordinator, NSU Startups Next
4 Instructor Rating
6 Reviews
97 Students
1 Course

Senior Lecturer, School of Business & Economics. North South University (Times Higher Education 601-800 rank, QS 350-400 rank in Business & Management Studies, (ACBSP, CABS accredited)

Kazi Farah Tasfia

Kazi Farah Tasfia

1 week ago

Course was amazing & veryinformative. All the practical partswere well described. Background screenwas very good. very needed & usefulfor all.

S.M. Adib Raihan

S.M. Adib Raihan

1 week ago

Assalamu alaikum. Recently, Ihave successfully completed‘Mastering Chatgpt’ coursefrom Lead Academy which was really greatfor me. It helped me a lot specially ineducation & research. If Iwoudn’t have done this course Icouldn’t know that with chatgpt wecan do a lot of things beyond ourthinking. In this course, everything wasseen practically by the instructor whichis very helpful for us. But I had someissues such as- my progress didn’tshow properly when I opened the tabmultiple times so I had to refresh thepage. After refreshing the page I had tosign in most of the time.Other thanthat, Instructor’s presentation& pronunciation wasgood.


S A B Bakiul Haque

S A B Bakiul Haque

1 week ago

Dear Sir, 

Have anylong course for ChatGPT?

Reply from S A B Bakiul Haque

1 week ago

প্রশিক্ষণটিগবেষণা, শিক্ষাএবং ক্যারিয়ারউন্নয়নের জন্যAI ব্যবহারেরএকটি সমন্বিত ওব্যবহারিক গাইডপ্রদান করে। এইকোর্সটিব্যবহারিকপ্রয়োগেরমাধ্যমে দেখায়কীভাবে ChatGPTব্যবহার করেকাজের প্রবাহকেদ্রুত করা,উৎপাদনশীলতাবৃদ্ধি এবংশেখারঅভিজ্ঞতাকেউন্নত করাযায়। আপনি যদিশিক্ষার্থী,শিক্ষক, বাপেশাজীবী হন, এইপ্রশিক্ষণটিআপনাকে আপনারক্ষেত্রে AI-এরপূর্ণ সম্ভাবনাউন্মোচনেসহায়ক টুলপ্রদান করবে।আজকের AI-চালিতবিশ্বে এগিয়েথাকার জন্য এটিঅত্যন্তপ্রয়োজনীয়!



1 week ago

Ifrat jahan proba

Ifrat jahan proba

2 weeks ago

Md Jomiruddin Sobuj

Md Jomiruddin Sobuj

2 weeks ago

Total Price

BDT 600 ৳1000

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