French Language A-Z for Beginners
Mashrika Nazmun
Mashrika Nazmun
Course Level
Duration 11 hrs 53 min
Rating 4.33
Students 241

French Language A-Z for Beginners

This course covers the A1 Level of French Language and is taught by Mashrika Nazmun, BA and MA in French Language and Culture from the University of Dhaka. Designed for beginners, this course offers a comprehensive introduction to the French language, ideal for those looking to build a strong foundation.

Why Learn French?

  • French is a global language spoken on five continents, opening doors to opportunities in international business, travel, diplomacy, and more.
  • Mastering French can boost your career prospects, especially in industries like fashion, hospitality, and international relations.

What You’ll Learn:

  • The French alphabet, greetings, and introductions.
  • How to ask and answer questions about personal details such as name, age, and nationality.
  • Fundamental grammar, including verb conjugations, articles, adjectives, and possessive pronouns.
  • Essential vocabulary related to daily life, such as family, professions, time, weather, and food.
  • Listening and speaking skills through practical conversations, including shopkeeper-customer interactions, doctor-patient dialogues, and more.
  • Basics of French sentence structure and how to describe people, objects, and situations.

Career Scopes:

  • Enhance your resume with language skills highly valued in global markets.
  • Gain the confidence to communicate in French-speaking environments, whether for work, study, or travel.
  • Lay the groundwork for further studies or career opportunities in French-speaking countries.

Who Should Enroll?

  • Beginners with little to no prior knowledge of French.
  • Professionals seeking to add a valuable language skill to their portfolio.
  • Students planning to study abroad or anyone interested in French culture and language.

Join us in this engaging journey and take the first step toward mastering the French language!

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What Will I Learn?
  • Fundamentals of French grammar
  • French vocabulary
  • Everyday life conversation
  • Clear and accurate French pronunciation
  • Effective Communication
  • Fluent Speaking
  • Writing Proficiency
  • Real-Life Scenarios
Course content
  • 1 Chapters
  • 29 Lessons
  • 11 hrs 53 min

Introduction to French Alphabets & French Greetings/Salutations

Free Preview 00:26:56

How to make a conversation in French

Free Preview 00:30:36

Review on class 02


To be verbs in present form


Questions with to be verbs & Possessive Adjectives


How to Ask Basic Questions in French


Listen & Repeat


Country & Nationality in French


Exercise on Country & Nationality


Definite Article


Describing Family & Relations in French


How to Introduce Yourself in French


Have Verb


How to ask questions with Combien Quel/Quelle


Asking Questions with to be Verbs am/is/are


Use of Preposition


Vocabulary & Preposition


Regular Verb & ER Verb Conjugation


ER Verb Conjugation & Exercise


Listen , Repeat & Understand Meaning


How to write about your family


Name of Months, Days in a Week, Times of a Day & Numbers in French


Conversation Related to Days, Months & Time of Clock




Imperative Sentence in French


Verbs Which Follow Preposition à


Function of au/ a la/ aux and du/de la and difference between a quoi and a qui


French Basic Course Quiz-1


French Basic Course Quiz-2


Le voyage (A1)


Les quatres saisons (A1)


Les couleurs (A2)


Comment vas-tu ? (A1)


Ma famille (A1)

Pre Requisites
  • Eager to learn
  • Keep video resolution at 1080p
  • A computer
Meet Your Instructor

Mashrika Nazmun

French is not merely a language rather it is an International Language. So are you ready to Unlock the Eiffel Tower of Opportunities by Mastering French avec Moi ?
4.33 Instructor Rating
15 Reviews
241 Students
1 Course

Bonjour tout le monde ! Comment allez-vous? 

I am an Active, Smart, and Creative individual who thrives on challenges and embraces an optimistic outlook. As a certified and experienced IB PYP, MYP, and IBDP French Language Facilitator, I bring a high level of  enthusiasm, confidence, and adaptability to any classroom. I am open to networking and exploring new opportunities. Thank you for visiting my profile. Let's connect and embark on a journey of mutual growth and success!



Md Towhidul Islam

Md Towhidul Islam

1 week ago

Your explanations are always clearand easy to understand, and your gentlepronunciation makes learning enjoyable.You excel in your role as a teacher!

Chandrika Barua

Chandrika Barua

2 months ago



2 months ago


Camellia Devi Prity

Camellia Devi Prity

2 months ago

Anika Rahman

Anika Rahman

3 months ago

For beginners level this course isreally helpful. The instructor breaksdown each topic with adequatepronunciation, thus simplifying thelearning process.

Reply from Instructor

Dear Learner, your feedback is greatlyappreciated .We are glad we could meetyour expectations .Thank you for yourpositive feedback.Stay connected .

Malehul Akber Chowdhury

Malehul Akber Chowdhury

4 months ago

Awosome course, specially for thebeginners learner. Thanks teacher andalso to lead academy for included theimportant course in your site.

Reply from Instructor

Dear Learner, your feedback is greatlyappreciated .We are glad we could meetyour expectations .Thank you for yourpositive feedback.Stay connected .

Samiul Islam

Samiul Islam

4 months ago

this class isn't related to mentiontopic.

Reply from Instructor

Hello Sir, could you please inform uswhich class does not match the mentionedtopic? So that we can check and fix it.

Md Shahin Alam

Md Shahin Alam

6 months ago

Horrible state of fluency of theinstructor. I am sûre the teacherherself is not capable to speak infrench for 5 minutes. However, thebeginners will find it helpful.

Reply from Instructor

Thank you for your feedback on ourcourse. We value all feedback as ithelps us improve. We understand yourconcern regarding the fluency of theinstructor. However, we would like toclarify that our course is designedprimarily for beginners who are juststarting to learn the French language.While fluency is an important aspect oflanguage learning, our focus isprimarily on building foundationalskills to help beginners get started ontheir language learningjourney. Regarding the instructor'squalifications, she holds a B1certification from the Frenchgovernment, has won internationalcontests for her French content, andpossess five years of teachingexperience at renowned international IBschools as well as Dhaka University. Webelieve these qualifications reflect herexpertise and competence in teaching theFrench language to beginners. Weassure you that our instructors undergoa rigorous selection process to ensurethey are well-equipped to deliverhigh-quality instruction to ourstudents.

Tawhid Elahi

Tawhid Elahi

7 months ago

Mohammed Nazrul Islam

Mohammed Nazrul Islam

7 months ago


Reply from Instructor

Thank you for your positivefeedback.Stay connected.

Total Price

BDT 2200 ৳5000

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