Sensitization Training for Workplace Inclusion
Vashkar Bhattacharjee
Vashkar Bhattacharjee
Course Level
Duration 1 hrs 24 min
Rating 5
Students 79

Sensitization Training for Workplace Inclusion

Welcome to the Best Online Course for Sensitization Training: Sensitization Training by LEAD Academy!

Are you ready to enhance your understanding and foster a more inclusive environment for people with disabilities? This comprehensive course provides everything you need to know to promote disability inclusion effectively.

Why Is This Course Important to Learn?

In today's diverse and inclusive workplaces, understanding disability inclusion is not just important; it's essential. This course empowers individuals of all backgrounds to recognize the rights and needs of people with disabilities, promoting a supportive and inclusive environment. Whether you're a manager, HR professional, or team member, this course will elevate your ability to practice inclusion.

Who Is This Course For?

  • Managers and supervisors aiming to foster an inclusive workplace

  • HR professionals responsible for diversity and inclusion initiatives

  • Employees seeking to improve their understanding of disability inclusion

  • Individuals wanting to learn about rights and policies related to disabilities

  • Anyone interested in promoting a supportive environment for people with disabilities

Why Should You Enroll?

  • Understand Disability Rights: Gain insights into the rights of people with disabilities and the importance of inclusion.

  • Learn Practical Strategies: Discover effective strategies for promoting inclusivity in the workplace.

  • Enhance Empathy: Foster empathy and respect towards individuals with disabilities.

  • Promote Legal Compliance: Understand the legal frameworks and policies related to disability rights.

  • Improve Communication: Learn how to communicate effectively with individuals with diverse abilities.

What Will You Learn?

  • Introduction: Overview of the training plan, objectives, and ground regulations.

  • Practising Inclusion: Learn about expectations, evaluation, and understanding of disabilities in the workplace.

  • Disability Definitions: Explore the types and models of disability to enhance understanding.

  • Famous Individuals: Gain empathy by exploring the experiences of famous individuals with disabilities.

  • International Laws: Understand international and national conventions and policies on disability rights.

  • Understanding Disability: Learn about disability concepts, myths, and societal attitudes.

  • Inclusion Strategies: Discover universal design, accommodations, and positive communication.

  • Practising Inclusion: Explore the benefits and obstacles of disability inclusion in various domains.

  • Barriers to Inclusion: Identify and address attitudinal, physical, communication, and systemic barriers.

  • Assistive Technology: Learn about assistive technologies that support individuals with disabilities.

Enroll today in LEAD Academy’s online course, “Sensitization Training,” and unlock the secrets to creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for people with disabilities.

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What Will I Learn?
  • Training Overview
  • Practicing Inclusion
  • Disability Definitions
  • Famous Individuals
  • International Laws
  • Assistive Technology
Course content
  • 1 Chapters
  • 9 Lessons
  • 1 hrs 24 min


Free Preview 00:21:11

Who is the World's Largest Minority


Models of Disability


Acronyms of Persons with Disabilities


Universal Design Concept


Understanding Disability


Understanding Barriers and Discrimination


Do's & Don't


Assistive Technology


Final Quiz

Pre Requisites
  • Eager to learn
  • Keep video resolution at 1080p
Meet Your Instructor

Vashkar Bhattacharjee

5 Instructor Rating
5 Reviews
79 Students
1 Course



1 day ago

Papia Sultana

Papia Sultana

1 week ago

Very inspirative and informative.

Forkan Amin

Forkan Amin

1 month ago

This course is an eye opener foreveryone. The instructor reallyexpressed an outstanding roles in theworkplace inclusion. I am able to relateto this course and recommended foreveryone. 

Fabian Taskin

Fabian Taskin

1 month ago

Very informative course! I knew adisabled person could do anything anormally fully functional person coulddo. But how a model can help flourishboth disabled and normal persons wasunknown to me. This course will ofcourse encourage us to establish asocial model around disabledpersons.




1 month ago

Total Price


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