Lead Academy PTE
License No. 283870
Layouts, adaptable images, and media queries are all used in dynamic layouts as part of the responsive design method for creating web pages. Making websites that can detect the dimensions and orientation of the user's screen and adapt their layout is the goal of responsive design. The website should have a suitable screen display on any device, including mobile, as shown by responsive web design. Therefore, it is clear that responsive site design is important in today's world. This course will make it easy for you to succeed in it. You will learn everything you need to know to launch a career in responsive web design from the first to the last class. There are quizzes at the end of some lessons to make sure you have understood everything. You won't have difficulty, regardless of your background, because the lessons are created to support all levels of learners. After completion of this course, you have a wide range of career options open to you like- Applications developer, Game developer, Multimedia programmer, Multimedia specialist, SEO specialist, UX designer, UX researcher, Web content manager, Web designer, Web developer, and many more. Good luck on your new journey; let's get going!
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Introduction to Web Design
Website Designing tools & software / Environment Setup
HTML Syntax / HTML Tags
Head & Body Section
Some More HTML Tags and Attributes
List in HTML
Creating an HTML Table
HTML Table (Part-02)
Working with Hyperlink
Different Types of Image
Quiz 01
Audio & Video Tag
Embedded video from YouTube
HTML Form (Part-01)
HTML Form (Part-02)
Introduction to CSS (inline)
Quiz 02
Internal CSS
External CSS
Layout Concept
ID vs Class
Descendant & Child Selector
Quiz 03
Pseudo & Selector Grouping
Margin & Padding
Attribute Selector
CSS Flexbox Part-01
Creating a Dropdown Menu
CSS Flexbox Part-02
Quiz 04
Fonts & Icon
The Position Property
Background Property & Rounded Corner
Shadow & Transition
Quiz 05
Transform Rotate
Transform Scale
Transform Skew & Translate
CSS After & Before
Introduction To Responsive Web Design
Quiz 06
Creating a Responsive Section
Basic concept of Photoshop (Photopea)
Sketching a layout
Landing page Design with HTML & CSS (Part-01)
Landing page Design with HTML & CSS (Part-02)
Quiz 07
Landing page Design with HTML & CSS (Part-03)
Landing page Design with HTML & CSS (Part-04)
Landing page Design with HTML & CSS (Part-05)
Landing page Design with HTML & CSS (Part-06)
Installing Bootstrap & Creating Buttons Using Bootstrap
Quiz 08
Bootstrap Table & Forms
Bootstrap Cards
Great grid system
Bootstrap Modal
Making Image Carousel using Bootstrap
Quiz 09
PSD To HTML (Part-01)
PSD To HTML (Part-02)
PSD To HTML (Part-03)
Quiz 10
PSD To HTML (Part-04)
PSD To HTML (Part-05)
PSD To HTML (Part-06)
PSD To HTML (Part-07)
PSD To HTML (Part-08)
Quiz 11
Introduction To JavaScript & its Data Type
Variables In JavaScript
Function In JS
Arithmetic Operator
Assignment Operator
Quiz 12
Conditions In Js
Loop In JS
Making Digital Clock using JS
Form Validation Technique
Introduction To jQuery
Quiz 13
Working with jQuery Methods [Part-1]
Working with jQuery Methods [Part-2]
Working with jQuery Methods [Part-3]
Working with jQuery Methods [Part-4]
Creating Mobile Menu
jQuery Animation & Scrolling
Working With jQuery Plugin [Part-01]
Animated Sidebar
Creating a Sticky Header Section
Working With jQuery Plugin [part-02]
Quiz 14
I am a freelance web developer and the founder and chief instructor of BZIT Online sharing my expertise in web development and web designing for 7 years. Due to working with diverse clients and their requirements for diverse websites, I have gained rich experience and acquired a comprehensive knowledge of web development.
The demand for web designing is ever increasing and as an instructor, I try to encourage the learners to take this seriously so that they can learn this essential and valuable skill of the 21st century which would increase their employability.
This course helped me in learning so many things. The way the instructor taught us was very helpful and understanding. It was indeed a very enjoyable course.
Dear Learner, Thank you for your positive feedback. Stay connected
Hopefully, this course will be amazing for beginners. The instructor explained this course very simple and interesting way.
Thank you for taking the time to share your positive experience with us. Stay connected
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